We Can’t Agree

We Can’t Agree

Latest Episodes

We Can't Agree Episode 7: Black Love Affair
February 15, 2019

Black Love Affair is a joint episode with Dear Soci3ty. Where we talk all things black love. 

We Can’t Agree Episode 6-Special: Roasting
February 11, 2019

I secretly recorded my wife aggravating me. Suggestive language following!!!! *warning*

We Can’t Agree Episode 5: Sick
February 09, 2019

Alright so me and my wife cannot agree on who is the bigger baby when sickness strikes in the house. ( psst.... it’s the woman lol) this is the classic debate of Men being sick Vs. Women being sick!

We Can’t Agree Episode 4: Time
February 01, 2019

We want to spend time together but life disagrees with us.

We Cant Agree Episode 3: Discipline
January 26, 2019

Spanking, Pow Pow, Time out, what's the right way t discipline your children..... We can't agree on which!

We Can’t Agree Episode 2: Marriage
January 24, 2019

To be or not to be married? We discuss is marriage really all that important?

We Cant Agree Episode 1: Lost
January 22, 2019

We could not agree on why we lose stuff.