WDW Mousenger

WDW Mousenger

Episode 33 – The Top 5 Places to Eat in the Theme Parks!

December 08, 2014












Hey Disney Geeks!  Welcome to Show #33!!  In this week's show, Jake and I talk about the best places to eat in the Theme Parks...Almost all of us have our favorite places, or places that are tradition for our families to break bread and enjoy.  Part of the fun is finding new places and new experiences to eat and enjoy, too.  So this week, Jake and I dive in to what are the best places to eat in the theme parks, and we cover everything from counter service to table service, from burgers to the best the Brown Derby could throw at us!  So now kick back and enjoy the show, because if you're a Disney Geek, you're always among friends here!


Where's your favorite place in the parks to eat?  Leave a comment below and tell us!

This week's show sponsored by Meacham's RV