WDW Mousenger

WDW Mousenger

Episode 26: Disney Historian Jim Korkis on: Myths and Stories of Walt Disney The Man

September 15, 2014

Join me this week as Disney Historian Jim Korkis, author of the The Vault of Walt Volumes I & II, and soon-to-come Volume III and I explore the most notorious myths about Walt Disney himself, from completely debunking accusations of anti-semitism to a surprising revelation by Jim about the root of the whole cryogenically-frozen legend.   Jim reveals how Walt himself may have unintentionally started it, and later how Disney Legend and famed trickster Ward Kimball fanned the flames.  We’ll talk about Jim’s most recent book “Who’s the Leader of the Club –  Walt Disney’s Leadership Lessons”, and his upcoming new book “The Vault of Walt Volume III”.  So now you can sit back and enjoy the show, because if you’re a Disney Geek, you’re among friends here!!

You can find more of Jim’s books at ThemeParkPress.com

-Rod Wheaton