What Christians Should Know

What Christians Should Know

Faith Never Has All The Answers (Genesis 12:1-5)

February 05, 2025

In this episode, Dr. Sadaphal will use the story of Abram in Genesis 12 to provide biblical support for the claim that faith never has all the answers. Truly, what is not meant by that statement is that faith is blind, uninformed, or unreasonable, or that faith has reason to doubt. Biblical faith is always certain about God, His Word, and His trustworthiness. After all, faith is real and legitimate because of its object, Christ, who is eternal and does not change. Faith is, however, seldom certain about all things.

Never having all the answers does not mean that you are in some way deficient or intellectually impaired; rather, it means you are humble enough to know that you are not God, and thus, you will never have all the answers.

The believer ought to find comfort that even Abram, the father of the faithful, did not have all the answers. He did not know where was being led but trusted the One who was leading.