What Christians Should Know

What Christians Should Know

If God Isn't In Charge Of Your Salvation, Then Who Is? (Jonah 2:9; Psalm 37:39)

June 05, 2024

If God isn’t in charge of your salvation, then who is?

That is to say, if someone were to believe that God is not sovereign in salvation, then that means God is not God. By implication that means you are in charge of your salvation, since you are the one who is in ultimate control of your eternal destiny.

In this episode, Dr. Sadaphal will provide a brief explanation of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God. Specifically, he will exposit the Scriptures to explain that God is sovereign in salvation. Finally, he will take the idea than man is sovereign in salvation and then take that argument all the way to its natural conclusion: that idea does not lead to freedom or hope but only utter ruin and despair.