waterloop: exploring solutions

waterloop: exploring solutions

waterloop #37: Travis Thompson on Denver’s Plan to Eliminate Lead Pipes

July 12, 2020

Travis Thompson is the Communications Manager at Denver Water.

In this episode Travis discusses the utility’s ambitious plan to remove between 64,000 to 84,000 lead water pipes over the next 15 years. He explains the decision to take a proactive approach to protecting customers from lead and why replacing pipes was chosen over changes to water chemistry. Travis also talks about the extensive outreach to the public to educate them about lead and plans to replace pipes.

This episode of waterloop is brought to you by High Sierra Showerheads, the smart, stylish choice for conserving water, energy, and money while enjoying an invigorating shower. Use promo code waterloop for 20 percent off at www.highsierrashowerheads.com