waterloop: exploring solutions

waterloop: exploring solutions

#222: Mississippi By Nature: River As Rebuilder

May 20, 2024

Louisiana faces severe coastal erosion and land loss, making coastal restoration a critical challenge. One of the innovative solutions is the $2.9 billion Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project, which aims to restore about 20 square miles of wetlands and land. 

In this episode, Brad Barth, Diversions Program Manager from the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, discusses this massive engineering feat, which aims to harness the Mississippi River's natural sediment flow to rebuild the coast. 

Barth explains the multiple factors contributing to coastal erosion and how this project integrates with other restoration efforts. He details the design and functionality of the sediment diversion, highlighting its role in delivering sediment and nutrients to sustain marshlands. 

Additionally, Barth shares insights into the broader strategy of using nature-based solutions, such as barrier island reconstruction and marsh creation, to protect and restore Louisiana's coast. 

waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. The Mississippi By Nature series is supported by the Walton Family Foundation and outfitted by Patagonia.