Warrior Woman's Circle

Warrior Woman's Circle

Time to Listen.

June 11, 2020

The four guests joining our circle this time are here to talk about what it is like to be a Black person in the United States, and they need you to listen. Jewel, Hendrick, Greg, and Ali are here to talk about their personal experiences, the changes they are ready to see, and their thoughts on race, life, community, and growth. I cannot extend enough gratitude to my guests in this episode for the vulnerability and honesty that they have brought to the table. If there is ever a time to #starttheconversation and keep it going, it is now. So, with open hearts and conviction to do better, join us in listening to this episode of the Warrior Woman's Circle. Thank you. (Themes of violence and trauma are included, listener discretion is advised)

Episode produced by: Katarina Hoskins and RadioLex

Music in this episode: "Gun" by the Cunninlynguists ft. Sheisty Khrist (Explicit language and themes of violence are included, listener discretion is advised)