Warrior Woman's Circle

Warrior Woman's Circle

Covid Experiences Around the World

May 30, 2020

Katarina calls in three lovely friends from all over the globe to ask them about their Covid-19 experiences. Aaron in Wales tells us about his experience as an immunocompromised individual navigating a pandemic and grocery deliveries. Angela in Spain talks about the strict restrictions that have happened in her area. Chelsea in Mexico details living with her boyfriend and his family after months apart, all due to a quarantine mandate. All of us are facing rapid changes and an uncertain future, but it is important to remember that we are all in this together. Our hope is that this conversation will bring you insight into the experiences of others, an authentic look at the rest of the world, solidarity, and hopefully, a few laughs. Please join us in this segment of the Warrior Woman's Circle, and thank you as always for helping us #starttheconversation

Episode produced by: Katarina Hoskins and RadioLex

Music in this episode is: Party Call by Emma Yetter

Thank you Aaron Cox, Angela Gillarondo Lopez, and Chelsea Flint for calling in from Wales, Spain, and Mexico, respectively.