Warrior Woman's Circle

Warrior Woman's Circle

Warrior Woman Highlight: Amanda Strickland Directs Jats'uts Meyah, a Documentary

May 21, 2020

A word from Katarina:

I am beyond excited to share this interview with you all. I recorded this about a year ago in a rooftop apartment in Merida, Mexico. I had taken a trip to visit my friend and spend some time regrouping and recharging myself. A serendipitous series of events led my friend, and then me, to meet Amanda Strickland, a first time director following her dream of creating a documentary. There is nothing more energizing for me than being surrounded by independent, inspiring women, who are taking on their dreams and making things happen in the world. Amanda is one of those women for sure. The story she tells through the lens of this documentary gives voice to a community that is often underrepresented, and empowers a woman who has been hard at work as a midwife for 60 years.

This conversation with Amanda, or Mandi as I know her, is a behind the scenes look at Jats'uts Meyah, a documentary that premiered this past week and can now be found on Vimeo! Before the final edits were made, and before she knew how this documentary would make its debut, Mandi talked to me about why she wanted to be director, how she came to create this film, and why it is such an important story that the world needs to see. It is an honor for me to share this conversation with you all today, Friday May 22nd, on Mandi's birthday! Thank you as always for helping us #starttheconversation .

Episode produced by: Katarina Hoskins and Alan Lytle

Jats'uts Meyah is directed and produced by: Amanda Strickland

Song in this episode: "El Sentidos" written by Felissa Estrada, produced by Jimmy Cruz and FT Music Studio

To learn more about the documentary follow @meyah_documentary on Instagram and watch it on Vimeo on demand anytime!