Warrior Woman's Circle

Warrior Woman's Circle

Women in the Service Industry

April 15, 2020

Happy Hump Day! Dropping a new episode here amidst our time at home. It's our turn to tell you how we feel. Today's episode is Women in the Service Industry and boy is it a good one. Katarina sits down to speak with Becca and Marjorie about their past and present experiences within the service industry. Both Becca and Marjorie are making moves when it comes to their roles working with craft beer and bourbon, and it sure feels good to watch two women kick ass and climb the ladder. A beertender herself, Katarina asks the women about the challenges they face, inappropriate customers, fun coworkers, and what it's like to be in their shoes. Raise your glass to this episode of Warrior Woman's Circle, and thank you as always for helping us #starttheconversation.

Episode produced by: Katarina Hoskins, Alan Lytle, and RadioLex

Music in this episode is Gemini by MrG and MsO

Podcast theme music by Emma Yetter