Warrior Woman's Circle

Warrior Woman's Circle

Alone with Assault

July 14, 2018

This episode contains sensitive material and graphic details related to sexual assault and recovery.

A note from your host:

One in five women in the United States will experience sexual assault at least once in her lifetime. This reality is sad but true. As a 27 year old woman, I can solemnly say that almost every single one of my female peers has had experiences that can be categorized as assault, which leads me to believe that the number of assaults occurring is actually much higher. That is just not okay. This episode may not be one that everyone feels comfortable listening to, and I understand that, however I felt it was important to have this conversation and allow real women the opportunity to talk about their experiences and speak honestly from their perspective. Cara and Carol bravely discuss their experiences and give valuable advice to others who may be going through tough times. The purpose of this podcast is to talk to everyday people around us about their experiences, and we do not shy away from the topics that we know must be addressed. Thank you so much for sticking with us and helping us #starttheconversation .

Episode produced by: Katarina Hoskins, RadioLex, and Joe Rice

Theme music by: Emma Yetter