Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Latest Episodes

#Gospel of #Peace, #Miracles, #Cross #Deliverance, #Christianity #Banned @WarnR
January 19, 2022

Gospel of Peace as Paul in #Romans addresses the #gladtidings that comes to those who have been saved. For he says, "for whosoever shall call upon the name of t

Book of #Hebrews #SonofGod #DoThyWill Pt15 on Sound the Shofar
January 14, 2022

Do thy will three words uttered by the Son of God who said, “It is written of me." Doing #Godswill, fulfilling the first and establishing the second covenant on

My Servant Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt116 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
January 13, 2022

The hope and promises are all fed through Judah who is now in captivity, but Cyrus will come as Gods anointed to bring the Jews out of captivity and back into t

#Gospel #Deliverance, #Religion, #Miracles, the #Cross, #Persecuted @WarnRadio
January 12, 2022

Gospel Deliverance in a world where #opposition and #deceit exist represents the battle before us today. To #preach, #teach, or present the #Gospel in many area

Book of Hebrews Son of God Blood of the Testament Pt14 on Sound the Shofar
December 17, 2021

Blood of the Testament is a surety for both the #newcovenant and the old. #Hebrews delves deep into the issue of both #covenants and compares them. With this is

Jerusalem's Good Tidings Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt115 on Battle Lines
December 16, 2021

#Jerusalems #Good #Tidings comes forward at least one hundred and fifty years before it occurs. As the strongman took Judah and brought it into #captivity, so t

#ReproveDarkness, #Abortionsurvivor, #Slavery, #IndigenousTribes, @WarnRadio
December 15, 2021

Reprove Darkness comes at us today via Ephesians chapter five. In the context we find we are not to have fellowship with darkness. It is our duty to expose this

Book of #Hebrews #SonofGod #Covenant of #Mercy Pt13 on Sound the Shofar
December 10, 2021

Covenant of Mercy just doesn't look at us in the face as a mere document to read. It is written in the pages of #Heaven, on the hearts of #believers in the #blo

#KingofJacob #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt114 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
December 09, 2021

King of Jacob finds the ultimate truth. When #judgment hits, #supernatural miracle, or #calamity; man can do little or nothing to prevent or stop it. As the #na

#LifeofGod, #SignsoftheEnd, #Microchip, #Persecuted #Faith @WarnRadio
December 08, 2021

Life of God moves in those who have been #bornagain by the #SpiritofGod. Those who have #confessed their #sins, then #professed #Christ; are those who experienc