Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Latest Episodes

#Lady of #Kingdoms #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt142 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
August 18, 2022

Lady of Kingdoms, the #virgindaughter of Babylon, the daughter of the Chaldeans in whom the nations delighted. Yet she was feared, powerful, and fierce. Yet eve

#Gospel #Deliverance, #Threatened, #Persecution #Advocacy @WarnRadio
August 18, 2022

Gospel Deliverance brings us to Luke chapter four and verses seventeen through nineteen. These verses set the scene for #ChristJesus when someone handed him the

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt18 #StrongDelusion
August 12, 2022

Strong Delusion in these evil times of the #endofdays will see the rise of Him who’s coming is after the working of Satan. There will all power, signs, and lyin

My Counsel Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt141 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
August 12, 2022

My Counsel is directly referring to #Jehovah in this purposeful declaration. For he it is who called the end from the beginning. He is the #ancientofDays and th

Perilous Modern Era, Rebellion, Manipulation, Advocacy @WarnRadio
August 10, 2022

Perilous Modern Era brings us into the real #prophetic #biblical time of the #LastDays. It is the #Endtime, warned about by the #Apostles and the #Prophets.

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt17 #Repentance
August 05, 2022

Repentance is a key ingredient in pleasing the #Lord and making sure you are as well. We find that the Lord said to #Ezekiel to go through #Jerusalem and #seta

Idol Worship Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt140 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
August 04, 2022

Idol Worship is the theme in Chapter 46 of #Babylon whose #idols were destroyed by #Cyrus. The #Lord had called Cyrus to deliver #Judah from the #Harlot Babylon

Gospel Cross Redemption, Nigeria, Poverty, Mammon @WarnRadio
August 04, 2022

Gospel Cross comes at us with #Redemptive #Inheritance and for the #Saints in #Christ this is our victory. Through Christ we have been #setfree and our #joy goe

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt16 #Judicial #Justice
July 29, 2022

Judicial Justice may seem far away, but it is nearer than many think. #Judicial is the fact that this arises from the #Sovereign #Lord and executes #Justice in

I will Bear Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt139 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
July 28, 2022

I will bear says the #Lord, I bore you and carried you from the womb, even to your old age I am your #creator and #God. I have also made, I #willcarry, and