Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Latest Episodes

#Endtime Affliction #Survival #Practics #Wisdoms #Righteousness Pt8 @WarnRadio
October 28, 2022

Wisdoms Righteousness brings us to the wisdom of the #scripture. #Proverbs leads the way in the #personification of #wisdom and right way to walk before the #Lo

My Salvation Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt148 on Battle Lines
October 27, 2022

My Salvation is declared as the Lord addresses the prophecy saying "It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the #tribes of #Jacob, and

Endtime Affliction Survival Practics All Wisdom and Prudence Pt7 on Warn Radio
October 21, 2022

All Wisdom and Prudence Paul says in his epistle to the Ephesians says that our #God and #Father of our #LordJesusChrist has #blessed us with all #spiritualbles

Blood of the Lamb, Witness of Jesus, Christianity, Gods Message, Hope @WarnRadio
October 20, 2022

Blood of the Lamb comes directly at the #believers in #JesusChrist. The distinct #WordofGod declares the #victory of the followers of our #Lord. For today we se

#Endtime Affliction #Survival #Practics #WisdomsTruth Pt6 @WarnRadio
September 23, 2022

Wisdoms Truth separates itself from the world because the source is found in the perfection, knowledge, #wisdom, and #justice of the Lord God. Today through the

#Redemption #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt147 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
September 23, 2022

Redemption nears as the command now tells the still captive #Judah to "Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye the Chaldeans". They were to go with the voice of singing

Thy Word is Truth, Radicalized Agenda, Gospel Deliverance, Birth Pangs
September 21, 2022

Thy Word is Truth brings the message of #JesusChrist as he is praying to the Father in John chapter seventeen. While we as #believers are in the world, we are n

#Endtime Affliction #Survival #Practics #FoolishWisdom Pt5 @WarnRadio
September 16, 2022

Foolish Wisdom of the World is not what believers seek. While there is #knowledge and wisdom of the world, we look to the Wisdom of God. Here is the difference

First and Last #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt146 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
September 15, 2022

First and Last even the Lord says to those he called. "I am he; I am the first, and also am the last." Calling #Jacob and #Israel my called, the Lord has declar

Gospel of Jesus Christ, Set Free, America, Biblical Truth @WarnRadio
September 14, 2022

Gospel of Jesus Christ today world-wide is spread according to the #WordoftheLord. The real issue for those who reject the gospel is the consequences of such an