Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Book of #Hebrews #SonofGod #KingofPeace Pt10 on Sound the Shofar

November 05, 2021

King of Peace brings us to Part Ten in the Book of Hebrews Son of God King of Peace. Not only did the Son of God die for our sins on the cross making atonement for us with God, he is our high priest. We go through this emphasis on the Priestly heritage and appointment of the Lord. He ever lives to make intercession for us according to the will of God. He intercedes for us on behalf of our human nature and the proclivity to sin. Not appointed after the flesh, that is a priest through the Levitical order, but after Melchizedek who has no beginning or ending. As is the purpose of the Patriarchal  society to list the genealogies through the men, we find for Melchizedek no such listing.  We have two words here, Melchisedec [New Testament with nine verses ] and Melchizedek [old testament with two verses]. NO genealogies of him.



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King of Peace as the writer of #Hebrews calls Melchizedek, also he says of him #Kingofrighteousness. In every type, a forerunner or type of #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. Here #Righteousness as the writer says specifically addresses #Christian #Justification. #Peace with #God, just as if they did not sin; through the #bloodatonement. Also, Peace here reflects that man separated from God through the #sinofAdam. And now Redemption has a way for all men. #Abraham giving #Melchizedek tithes and respect also gives us an image of this one who Abraham met. He was without father, mother, any descendant, no beginning of days nor end. Made like unto the #SonofGod. For this the purpose is to show the #Priestly work of our #LordJesusChrist. Thus, we find the #KingofPeace revealed!