Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

#ManifestWorks, #Delivered from #Darkness #TestimonyofJesus @WarnRadio

November 03, 2021

Manifest Works appear in this week's show of the advocacy of the persecuted church. Many believers worldwide collide with the works, habits, and laws of other nations. Nations like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, China, Pakistan, and India are just a few I mention persecute Christians. Many time the believers are in trouble for just having a simple faith in the Lord Jesus, Yeshua Massiach. We have covered, for instance a mother who was found guilty of blasphemy in Pakistan. She was on death row for some 9 Years until another hearing set her free. However, being innocent, she still was in prison for a long time. We find these kinds of examples all around the world. 


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Manifest Works are those evident or plain. You see these works from the attitudes and actions of people around you. Today in #America we have many plain works or habits of people we see daily. We also behold the news, social media, and others around us who embrace habits and actions that are dangerous. Paul lists these #Manifestworks in #Galatians chapter 5. One set is of the #SpiritofGod, while another opposite set of works will prevent those who indulge in them from #inheriting the #KingdomofGod. In America we have legalized #abominations and today these things are seen as normal. The #nationsofmen around the world have #justified their #laws and #beliefs according to their own society. One day the #Lord will #judge all #nations, but so true is Psalm chapter Two.

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