Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Book of #Hebrews #SonofGod #PromisesInherited Pt9 on Sound the Shofar

October 29, 2021

Promises Inherited follows us from the very beginning and to Abraham. This connects directly to the Lords Immutable Counsel, His promises made, and to the covenant. Both to Israel and to all who believe in Jesus Christ today. The scarlet thread of redemption that runs through the bible is sure and certain as well. From Genesis to Revelation the connection as the Word of God and the Spirit of God are true. Hebrews brings truths to those to whom the book was written to in the time of the Roman empire. As with today, there were sins, idols, idolatries, and paganism. But to all who would listen and receive, our Lord offer forgiveness and hope. It is here that the promises to Abraham are sure given by a Faithful Lord to rescue those who call on him.



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Promises Inherited brings us to the truth of the new covenant. As our Lord said, I came not to destroy the law but fulfill it. Here we find the Promises made to Abraham which were applied to Israel in the #oldcovenant is also brought forward into our day. For the writer of #Hebrews brings into this blessing the promise made to Abraham. It is directly applied to the #believers in the #Lord as a direct result of the #newcovenant. Here, though the words after he had #patiently #endured; only then did he obtain the promise. So too with the #Christianfaith believing in our Lord and his work on the cross.  We can connect these promises from #Abraham to #Israel and onto the #Church of #JesusChrist, #Yeshua. #Promises #Inherited belong to us through all things and these promises are sure.