Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

#Abrahamic #Seed #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt110 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

October 28, 2021

Abrahamic Seed calls upon the promises made and unto Jacob the seed of Abraham. In Captivity for sins and falling away, Jacob is realizing that they will be free and reunited with their temple, Jerusalem, and homeland. In this we find the restored Jacob united in blessing with their God. The captivity over, now the promises prophesied by Isaiah points to the hope and final deliverance. Their problems won't be over, but now they can in this restored state hope in the Lord and his blessings to help them in future troubles.

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Abrahamic Seed beacons to Jacob who the Lord has chosen, the seed of #Abraham my friend. #God's chosen pass from generation to generation, while each generation passes on into eternity; there is a generation still abiding on earth. The #promiseso God eternally are governed until the #endoftime, when all things are finished. These #promises lay in the context of the #Babylonian #captivity and directly apply to Jacob who now is at the end of their Seventy years in judgment. Now the #LordGod calls one from the east, his chosen #Cyrus who will not only deliver Judah but command them to rebuild the #temple and #Jerusalem. They would occupy it and live restored in their homeland. #AbrahamicSeed is addressed to #Jacob who is #Godschosen, the #seedofAbraham the #friend of the #Lord.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website