Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

#RenewedStrength #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt108 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

October 14, 2021

Renewed Strength comes to part 108 in Isaiah's prophetic book. Even amidst the prophecy of coming judgment on Judah, there are promises to the people. This relates to us today for Christ Jesus told us of coming shaking and judgment to the earth. In this as well, we are given promises that the Lord shall never forsake us. In this section we move forward from the Assyrian attack and defeat, past the prophecy of Judah's coming judgment in the future.  Here moving into the promises of God for the people and their restoration. Even in our modern world, the Lord God wants to redeem people. He has made a way for all to come to Him through Christ Jesus. However, the choice to come is up to them. But God's word is firm.


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Renewed Strength found through the #LordGod. This are those #believers in our #Lord #JesusChrist to the glory of the #Father that are given this strength. By His #Grace, #favor we find help and empowerment to walk this #pathoffaith. The verse that is popular and especially important here is found within this section of #Isaiah's #prophecy. He is telling the #peopleofGod that they can find help for their weariness from the #persecution and #troubles that afflict them. This includes promises to enable #strength and #endurance. We do not just flop over the finish lines thanking God this is over. Not at all, we are overcomers, full of strength from the Lord, through #HisSpirit and by his Grace.


To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website