Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

His Cross His Life, True God, Political Agenda, Persecutions, Afflictions

June 23, 2021

His Cross His Life brings us to the True and Living God. It finds the believers on this episode in Mozambique, Vietnam, India, and Nigeria. We focus on the cross of Christ and the cost of the gospel. But we have His Life and his words which tell us if we lose our lives for his sake and the gospels; we shall find it. The gospel is alive through the Spirit of God. The faith of Jesus is quick, sure, and certain for those who have it. Yet in the persecutions and afflictions the trouble is real, death is near, and loss is heartbreaking. 

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His Cross His Life brings us His example. I speak of the Only #begotten #SonofGod, #JesusChrist; #Yeshua! Testifying of the #Father and bringing #redemption for all the #humanrace, we were given certain and sure Hope. #HisCross and #HisLife has been given to us. Thus, If we receive him, believe upon him, and become born again through the #SpiritofGod the #witness of the #GospelofChrist will eventually flow through us to others. The #Lord warned "if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his #cross, and follow men. Further "if you save your life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you shall find it." This is the cost of spreading the #gospel, teaching the gospel, and being a Christian follow of our Lord. There is no clearer message nor redeemable fortune for us than to have this #Hope in and through #Christ Jesus. Nations will come and go, but the redemption through Christ is #eternally sure and safe and will not disappoint. It is with these thoughts we do today's show.

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