Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Grace thru Faith brings Gifts Book of Romans pt24 @warnradio on Sound the Shofa

June 18, 2021

Grace thru Faith brings Gifts finds us in part 24 of Romans. This is Romans twelve and has much to offer us. Many times, we pay more attention to the news, the sports, and our own lives than we do as members of Christ's body. The point here is as we see much turmoil, persecution of Christians worldwide, and other prophetic signs going on; we must not lose track of the body. Each member is important. Do not ignore this fact.


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 Grace thru Faith brings Gifts, this is not just an assumption here. For out of #God's #love flowed His #Mercy. Mercy was revealed in His #Grace or favor toward us, in that while we were yet sinners; #Christ died for us. So, it is as the #ApostlePaul relates three powerhouses: Grace Faith #Gifts.  #Godsgrace did not just bring us redemption but much more. These Gifts propelled by our Faith work to minister to those around us. It is here that God's favor is shown to others through our hands, eyes, feet, and heart. But we are warned here to do so without deceit, dishonesty, #diligence, and #cheerfulness. The #bodyofChrist #ministers, loves, and works to help one another.

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