Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Watch and Pray Always, Finding Jesus, Saudi Arabia, Death row, Christ Blasphemy

June 16, 2021

Watch and Pray Always brings us to the warning of the Lord as we continue our advocacy for the persecuted church. Troubles are going on worldwide and the Mystery of Iniquity warned of by the Apostle Paul has been in full gear for many years. Yet we are seeing it unleashed even more here in the United States which are not so united. We are divided house that will not stand. The wound is incurable and the wound gangrene, even to cauterize the wound will not help. If it is not cured soon, the whole of the body shall die. We also find this going on as we cover the believers who find Jesus Christ. Upon this, they find persecution. Join us as we cover Finding Jesus, Saudi Arabia issues, Death Row, Christ Blasphemy in Scotland and more as we have time.

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Watch and Pray Always the Lord gives it as a warning and a command. We are to #Watch because of the trouble that is coming.  We are to #Pray always. We are to avoid being so "overcharged in our lives" with #surfeiting. Here the word is as a seizure of pain like a headache from #drunkenness. This is plain and simple a #glut meaning 'an excessive amount'.  This leads to #debauchery, #excessive #indulgence that leads to #sexual #immorality. He warns about being so caught up with the cares of this life so that you do not see the end of days snare coming upon you.  We are therefore to avoid those things while #Watching and #praying always that we will be accounted worthy to escape all these things which are coming. As well as being able to stand before the #Sonofman when he appears.  This reflects today's world and how we still have not grasped the fact of our duty in it. Read also #Revelation 12:11