Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Lords Merciful Grace - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt74 on Battle Lines

December 17, 2020

Lords Merciful Grace finally reaches the point where it can find it's way to Judah.  Today, Christians are fully informed and tuned into God's Mercy and Grace. In the Judgment we find mercy. Judgment not out of hatred but love. The people may follow their own paths both privately and in Judah. This also may encompass following other Gods. Moreover, even finding answers in the 'arm of the flesh'. Yet God will make a way for His people to dwell in Zion at Jerusalem. Here there is truth that the path to mercy which leads to Grace given finds its way by the Bread of Adversity. Then they pass by the Waters of Affliction. These are the teachers and Judah must listen as they pass it. To awaken the flesh out of sleep, one must afflict the comfortable. For those afflicted, one must comfort them. God is both Father and comforter with a strong hand to bring them unto himself.

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