Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Alpha Omega- Fighting God Kingdom War pt12 on Sound the Shofar

December 11, 2020

Alpha Omega- Fighting God The Kingdom War pt12 on Sound the Shofar @WarnRadio | Warn-Usa Dot Com

Alpha Omega pt 12 is the center stage for the Fighting God Kingdom War series. We now are coming down to the end and here we look at pertinate scriptures as believers that define who we are, what we are doing here, and where we are headed. The goal of Spiritual warfare is to make war in the Spirit Realm to bind, rebuke, cast out, cast off, and live as overcomers for our Lord in a world that is being devoured by the curse. It is here we live not as victims but as the victors. Shake of that apathy and unbelief; for Alpha and Omega awaits our understanding of these things.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website 

Alpha Omega who is defined as the First and the Last is the main one to whom the believers are to be found in. As the Lord said in John 15, "without me you can do nothing." Further in 1st John 1 we see that if we "walk in the light as He is the light, we have fellowship one with another." This is the believer walking as Jesus [Yeshua] Christ walked. Make no mistake when discussing Spiritual Warfare, we can do none of it without Alpha Omega, the only begotten Son of God. Nothing, Zilch, Nada can be fought or overcome without the redeemer in our lives.

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