Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Salvation Draws Nigh- Fighting God The Kingdom War pt11 on Sound the Shofar

December 04, 2020

Salvation draws Nigh brings to the awareness of being prepared for the Lords return. At the same time the nations of men are Fighting God in the Kingdom War. This week in pt11 we continue in our understanding of this war and our part in it. The most important item is if we save the whole world and yet lose our own soul. Or even more as important losing those around us and our family while saving ourselves. It is the spiritual 101 directive and the move of the Spirit of God in these last days which propels us. Not only to share the Good news of the Gospel but also to be ready and to have our family prepared as well. Welcome to the last days!

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website 

Salvation Draws Nigh warns us of those things which at times we may forget. It is here that we must understand the time that we must awake out of our sleep. For today our salvation is closer than ever before. As we have believed since the dawn of Christ's coming and his message, along with death and resurrection; the truth of being watchful and prepared is ever with us. Therefore as the apostle Paul says, "cast off the words of darkness and put on the armour of light." it is for us to walk honestly and fully in Christ as the battle around us heats up. We are not called to an earthly kingdom, but to the heavenly city with Christ in his kingdom on the renewed earth covered in Glory.

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