Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Rejecting Gods Word - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt72 on Battle Lines

December 03, 2020

Rejecting Gods Word is this weeks phrase describing pt72. Isaiah continue's working to give the Word of the Lord to a people that are facing troubles. Yet much of what they face, the situations they find themselves in, and their reactions can mirror similar troubles today. No matter how modern man wants to put it, God is in charge. While some believe they can sit back and just let God take care of it; this in itself is misguided. God calls men to repent, but the job of men and women is to do something. That is seek the Lord, coming to him to repent. In our daily lives as in Judah's it comes down to whom or what do you trust in? In our modern society, it comes down to money, technology, modernism, and other ideas to do it ourself.  

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth -Is 21:6

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website


Rejecting Gods Word and the truth associated with it dates back to the beginning of man in the Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve had a choice to obey. So did Cain and Able, in the end one of the brothers died at the hand his sibling. Moses led Israel to Sinai where the covenant was given for the the people to make with Jehovah.  The story of God giving His word follows through the prophets and to the houses of Israel. It gains momentum when the Lord came to testify to Israel and the world that the Messiah had arrived. After Calvary, the message of the Gospel went forward. Today we still have the message and the warning. But also this God does what he always has done, as he has said "as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten." In our coming to the Lord and repentance, we find life in Him.


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