Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Gospel Advocate Persecution; Tehran, Christians, Azerbaijan, Mozambique, More

December 02, 2020

Gospel Advocate Persecution brings this week’s look at some of the global stories. Each one giving a look into our society in this end of days. We will be covering as many of these as we have time for.  Current subjects covered are: Tehran Targets Christians, Azerbaijan, Mozambique, Somaliland, Bibles for Mideast, Florida human trafficking, Chaplain fights, Religious freedom, Iran’s persecution, Christmas child, Social media, Freedom and Faith, Mozambique, all from @Warn Radio and the WIBR. The Watchman Institute for Biblical Research has been working for over two decades as a warning, teaching, preaching, and advocate against the persecution and oppression of people’s groups.

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Gospel Advocate Persecution may not mean much to you. To be sure if you are a Christian, knowing what is happening around the world to your brothers and sisters in Christ is important. Those in bonds, prisons, and more all need your love and compassion and prayers. Hollywood may glance at these, even doing a movie; but the real gut-wrenching tears and heartache for your brethren across the seas is what is real. Your heart, soul, and innermost being caring for, praying for, and giving money to those organizations who are directly on the ground in these dangerous locations in the name of Christ Jesus. As we move forward in prophetic events that will occur, being one in Christ is more important than any man-made organization. God hears and will hold all people accountable for their sins. Christ Jesus died for your sins to redeem mankind. There is a way to safety.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website