Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Laying up Treasure Fighting God The Kingdom War pt8 on Sound the Shofar

October 30, 2020

Laying up Treasure Fighting God  the Kingdom War now in pt8 focus' on the nature of Kingdom riches and laying up Treasure. There is much to be said on this, yet it is simple. We move on then to practical faith, worrying, and all those items humans think about. Yet in scheme of the Lord, he is our provider. But the Gospel is our Guide, and the Lord is our Keeper, and to Him we must look. It is important not to forget the practic's of living your life. Because in reality you need to pay your bills, have a place to live, and take care of your family. Yet today around the world, many Christians suffer intense persecution and of these things we need and have; they have none. Join me for this relevant portion of Fight God, the Kingdom War.

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Laying up Treasure can be accurately summed up by viewing America and many rich nations of the West. A place where Christianity flourished with faith and repentance; along with revivals. If there is one place which has made plenty of room for this section of scripture to be discussed, it is Luke chapter twelve. It is easy for many believers to fit America and Americans in it. But look to many other western nations, Europe, and Australia to mention a few; they also fit into it. But there is more to it than just blaming nations and their Kingdom of Commerce and billionaires. Hint, Not everyone is rich or loves money.

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