Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Sign of Jonah Fighting God The Kingdom War pt7 on Sound the Shofar

October 23, 2020

Sign of Jonah comes to the forefront in the Kingdom War Pt7. In dealing with the Jews in the Roman Empire at the time; many of which were scattered throughout the country; the problem was evident. All around was idolatry, other gods, and wickedness. In Jerusalem the enemy was always around the Lord. For Him, the pharisees, saduccees, and lawyers were there to find fault and trip him up. But point blank he told those around him that sought a sign "no sign shall be given but the sign of Jonah the prophet." Besides this sign, he did many signs and miracles; none of which his enemies want to accept.

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Sign of Jonah brings to our memory Nineveh. This gentile kingdom and enemy of Israel repented.  Yet 70 years later the prophet Nahum warned of their impending doom. They had forgotten that repentance and resumed their wicked ways. In the Spiritual battle of the Kingdom, forgetting that the Lord is serious about repentance and keeping His word is a struggle for many. Israel always ran into trouble when they forgot the Lord. Thus the enemy would enter in and trouble Israel. Today Christians need to keep alert and pray for themselves and their family to be kept from Evil. The enemy uses the laxness and lazyness of people to take advantage of them. Be on Guard, remember your enemy who is looking for an opportunity to attack.

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