Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Global War Gospel; China alters Bible, China's war, Eritrea believers, more

October 14, 2020

Global War Gospel; China alters Bible, China's war, Eritrea releases believers, Russian Bans Missionaries, Loving Jesus @Warn Radio

Global War Gospel today takes up it's purpose to continue to bring to the forefront injustice, radical enslavement, unbelievable persecution all aimed at Christians. In some cases, however; other ethnic groups are targeted as well. Globally the governments are the powerbrokers of this strategy to persecute. At other times they simply ignore it or say they have ongoing prosecutions of the troublemakers. Yet, the persecution of Christians at a high rate continues and so do their sorrows amidst the death of martyrs.

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Global War Gospel is real to all those who pay attention to it. Overseas in many areas we find the war over the gospel real. In fact, masses of radical Hindu's in India pursue Christians, burn their homes, beat them up, and murder them. Muslims in Pakistan and other areas do the same. China openly pursues the Early Rain Covenant Church former members. China treats the Uyghur Muslims horrible in secretive camps. In many areas where this goes on, the gospel is still heard and many are coming to Christ. That is the reason for the war, Muslims, Hindu's, and Chinese among many other ethnic groups are now coming to Christ Jesus. Many seem to know the hour is perilous and it is prophetic. Many expect the Coming of the Lord.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website