Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Prophetic Global Upheaval, Assimilation, Political order, Mali, Nigeria, More

September 30, 2020

Prophetic Global Upheaval, China Crackdown and Assimilation, Political disorder, Mali coup, China spies, Nigeria attacks, Hong Kong democracy vs Communism, Uyghurs Slavery, Asia Report from  Warn Radio.

Prophetic Global Upheaval brings us up to speed with China's crackdown and forced assimilation of the Christian church and other groups in the Mao state. Further Uyghurs are still persecuted and enslaved, and Hong Kong battles communist  takeover. Genocide from Fulan and other radical muslim groups have killed many Christians and forced many to flee. In Mali we cover a bit of the coup there. Political disorder, war, terror; and the inability of governments to stop any of it. Welcome to the current prophetic end of days.

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Prophetic Global Upheaval can be both seen and felt here in America as division sweeps the nation. Amid bitterness and hate, the trust level is at Zero. As we look worldwide, we see China a major player also in pushing pure red communism of Mao. Having taken over Hong Kong, the push to keep Democracy continues. In Africa radical Islamists continue war, especially in Nigeria where we also find genocide. In Mali we have a coup, in China the Uyghurs are enslaved, and a new Report on Asia reminds us of vital information on things there.  In the last days Perilousness shall be the order of the day along with lawlessness. We have made this for sure, however the Son of lawless is coming as well. 

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website