Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

House Divided - Fighting God The Kingdom War pt3 on Sound the Shofar

September 25, 2020

House-Divided brings you up and close in the battles with the spiritual enemies that you may encounter. Yet it also lets you truly see your physical enemies. Living in America today we clearly see the division and differences of politics and social aspects in our nation today. In the Spiritual war we find to cast out the devil and to overcome you cannot be fighting God. Neither can you find your House Divided for then it will fall to a great enemy more powerful than you. You must Abide in the Lord, read John 15. Where do you stand today divided or united in Christ?


To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website 


House Divided describes the Kingdom war. This week in part 3 we visit the Apostle Paul as he is brought before the council. In addition, there is our Lord who tells those watching that a "Kingdom divided against itself" cannot stand. Thus, this week we look at the House Divided. The miracle Christ Jesus did, were made out to be of the devil when the Pharisee's twisted the truth. Yet the Lord looked them squarely in the eyes and hearts to relate the heavenly truths. What they were seeing was indeed of God and not of the Devil. The truth here is don't confuse heaven with hell. The enemy comes as an angel of light, so be prepared and not be deceived.



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