Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Beginning Wisdom - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt63 on Battle Lines

September 17, 2020

Beginning Wisdom finds it root in chapter 28 today. Because it is exactly what the people needed. Truth and True wisdom that will bring them back to the Lord. Scripture tells us 'Not to lean to our own understanding'. So it is, the carnal self-centeredness of the worldly class and religious orders find themselves in trouble.  It was the same thing in Israel. But under the Sinai covenant which enabled many blessings had now found Israel in trouble not only from the Lord God, but from the nations of conquerors who were prevalent in those days. The secure foundation waning, the prophet was sent to correct the people, prophets, and priests.

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth -Is 21:6

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Beginning Wisdom is stated in scripture as being the Fear of the Lord. Here respect, awe, wonder, worship, service, serve, discipleship, and more. What happens if a people move away from that wisdom? God in the days of the prophets, sent these hard nosed, tough, straight talking servants of God. They would relay the message straight from the Lord and could not deviate from it.  As we move into Isaiah this week we find the religious status quo of Priests, prophet, and the people had fallen away. It is here the phrase Beginning Wisdom should have been in play. Much like America today where Wisdom is carnal, self-centered, and against the Lord God; so too it was in Israel. Howebeit, I believe America to be much worse. The message though is applicable to us today.

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