Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Crown of Punishment - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt62 on Battle Lines

September 10, 2020

Crown of Punishment Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt62 finds us with the crown of pride. However, it soon turns into a Crown of Punishment for the nations involved. We find Ephraim or Samaria at the receiving end. There is no doubt in Isaiah's day, the Assyrians were a very harsh warrior people. To their enemies, it was no easy task to march against them. In Gods punishment and justice, there are no nation to harsh or too powerful to ignore the moving of the Lord God. The lesson here to all people today is that in spite of what others may say, in the end; God has the last Word.

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth -Is 21:6

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Crown of Punishment arrives when the Crown of Pride is removed. In the scriptures it is common to find the Lord God using other nations or kings as judgment. There is a difference between blessing and cursing. In today's society we classify a lot of stuff but never put it in the category of Gods judgment. We have natural disasters, we convince ourselves it is natural, it is mere nature showing it's force. Discounting the Lord overall agencies, Sabbaoth that is, here means he governs exclusively in spite of men and nations. There is no clearer message and example of this than Isaiah's prophetic book. The nations before us are involved and in all things, God is moving men and nations led by their Kings who are moved by the Lord God.

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