Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

East Wind Judgment - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt60 on Battle Lines

August 27, 2020

East Wind Judgment part 60 of Isaiah's Prophetic Book finds itself looking at the means and methods of deliverance and judgment. We look specifically at a phrase the "day of the east wind." The east wind in scripture is found numerous times. The Lord God is judge and King over all principalities, powers, and all things created and that which exists. His judgments are the final word, his penalties are not to be taken lightly, and his Mercy is flowing from His Love for his creation. You must choose how you shall serve him. All men, good and evil; no matter will serve him and his purposes. In the day of Judah's captivity his purpose was to bring the nation back to Jerusalem and be free.

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth -Is 21:6

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

East Wind Judgment demonstrates the judgment of the Lord. In Psalm 107 and verse twenty-five we find the Lord commands and brings up the stormy wind. In addition, Psalms 148:8 says "Fire and Hail; Snow, and Vapor; stormy wind fulfilling His word." We all know of Matthew 8:27 where the Lord commanded the winds and sea and they obeyed him. In this section we find a delivered Judah and a battered Babylon hit by the same East wind of Judgment. Judah was hit by judgment but now after the fulfillment of the Word of that Judment she is set free while her captors were hit and destroyed by God's anointed 'Cyrus'.  The theme of Gods redemptive power is found throughout scripture as is his judgments on the nations of men.

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