Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Lord Judges Secrets of Men - Secrets of God and Men Pt10 on Sound the Shofar

August 21, 2020

Lord Judges Secrets of Men and the secrets of God and men part 10 finds itself looking at the secrets which people want kept secret. We live in a society that today is full throttle with violence, murder , and mayhem. Around the world the nations are facing troubles of many kinds. In short, lifespans for many around the world are cut short by these perilous times. It is in these times we must understand that the Lord God will Judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ. Nothing keep secret here. The intersection of faith, secrets, and God meet head on.

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Lord Judges Secrets of Men even though today we find most people ignoring the fact. Plainly some hold secrets while others are open about their thoughts and deeds. Just like the young five year old brutally murdered with a bullet to the head as he was riding a bicycle his neighbor came up to  him and killed him. The fear of God today and understanding that all people will face judgment for their deeds is not common among today's societies. We look at secrets, but here those secrets of men and nations which are not to be found out. However, they will be revealed.

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