Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Gospel and AntiChrist forces battle Christian faith, renunciation, murder

August 12, 2020

Gospel and the AntiChrist forces: Crisis Yemen, Trouble Lebanon, Iranian crackdown, India stomps on Christianity, Pakistans Conversion Kidnap problems, Uganda killing believers, Christians forced to renounce faith or leave, the battle continues worldwide in these end of days. 

Gospel and the AntiChrist forces combat the Christian faith worldwide. We find the top information coming out of the Crisis in Yemen while Lebanon faces troubles of it's own. Christians facing persecution in Iran and India; as Pakistan nurtures Muslim men kidnapping Christian girls to rape and use as they will. The legal system there is bias against Christians. While in America we seem to nourish Islam, many are totally ignorant of it's dangers. 

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Gospel and the AntiChrist forces are here to stay. That is, their sticking around will cause trouble and death; but in the end the Lord will destroy these wicked and all those who will not repent. Christ came to save all who would repent, but because the love of darkness, many will not come to the light of the Lord to be saved. We see their forces gathering in America, Europe, Asia, the Middle east, and elsewhere. Meanwhile, as believers we have power to pull down strongholds, the message of the Sword, and the faith of Jesus Christ. Miracles, Signs, wonders, and great deliverances can be accessed by faith and true belief that will not waver at the sight of evil people threatening you.

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