Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Leviathan Judgment - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt57 on Battle Lines

July 30, 2020

Leviathan Judgment - Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt57 on Battle Lines | | WIBR/WARN


Leviathan Judgment Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt 57 looks at the main passages of Isaiah 26:21 and 27:1. Prophecy and events align in these passages. For Judah we find the conclusion of oppression by the greatest power of her day, which was Babylon. Babylon's destruction by Cyrus gave Judah it's freedom. Mystery Babylon in Revelation also being a type here represents the greatest power and influence for evil in the world. Ultimate rebellion, but the Lord delivers his people by his coming. Here we look at Revelation 19 and 20. In all, the message is that the Lord is at work in the nations of men. He knows who and what the evil is. He also knows those who are his. He will judge and remove evil and bring his people into the Kingdom of the Lord.

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth -Is 21:6

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Leviathan Judgment enters into the realm of prophecy and the end of days. Many of the powers and principalities that were in Isaiah's day, are still here today. The battle is the same, however the covenant and the benefits of our Lord's triumph on Calvary has made a difference. Yet the kingdoms of Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria represented the powers in Judah's day. While the underlying power of Satan or the Dragon was the main one influencing the kingdoms. .

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