Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Mystery of His Will - Secrets of God and Men Pt6 on Sound the Shofar

July 17, 2020

Mystery of His Will begins the Secrets of God and Men in Part Six.  It is here that for the Secrets of God, it is filled with events that the world nor the angels knew anything about. Further they are Mysteries because of the fact we did not have a clue, but today we know these revelations. We can be comforted in their power and ability to fulfill scripture, bring redemption, and deliver a Kingdom of God on earth. While the world tosses in rebellion; Gods Mysteries and His Will are firmly in place. As Psalms Two says "Kiss the Son lest he be angry!"

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website 

Mystery of His Will, that one unknown item you know nothing about. Well in today's Christianity, we know the will of God in Christ Jesus. But there are other mysteries. Yet the strength of such Mystery is that God loves us so much he planned all this with his Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua from the beginning. It is here we must understand this love and it's depth which reveals God in us, further Christ in us the Hope of Glory. We can see how the nations today are in turmoil. In America we have seen murder, riots, pillaging, and more in numerous cities of our nation. The truth of God and His Hope for us does not rest in these things, nor America. It rest on a solid foundation that cannot removed. While the world shakes, we maybe on this rollar coaster but in Christ Jesus we are firmly rooted to the Father.

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