Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

EndTime Advocacy Report, Persecution, Miracles, Libya, Iraq, Iran; From Warn Rad

July 15, 2020

EndTime Advocacy Report find the COVID at different stages. While it is lifting in many areas, persecution of Christians ramp up. At the same time we can and do report on many successes for believers even as the hardships come at them. We look at the latest miracle from the field. In addition we cover the latest from Libya, Iraq, Iran, and India. It is a place where persecution, hope, faith, and walking the line of daily hardships the Lord is firmly in charge. This is the Warn Radio endtime report.

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EndTime Advocacy Report moves forward into the toughest regions on earth for people to hear the gospel. The word to go ye and to preach is not taken lightly by believers in nations around the world. Where the gospel is stifled, harassed, and persecuted we find the miracles and signs. We find a church growing amidst the weeds of this world. To say the Lord is moving among his people is an understatement. To believe he is losing the war for souls is a lie. On the contrary many are now coming to the Lord. Only in backslidden western nations do we find the hardened heart that refuses. The sin and iniquity abounding drives the hearts of many to a lukewarmness amond believers. At the same time, the hardened sinners refuse and even reject the message of life in the comfortable but divided Western world.  Howbeit the Lord is not finished with them.

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