Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Hope Amidst End Days, Prophecy, Dividing Israel, Wars n Rumors, China

July 01, 2020

Hope Amidst End Days, Prophecy, Dividing Israel, Wars n Rumors, USA division, American Civil War, Golden End of Days, Locust Plagues, Persecution, China,  from Warn Radio

Hope Amidst End Days is about hope, troubles, deliverance, and what is going on today.  We will be looking at the further push concerning Israel, prophecy, and what it means. Further going through a Messianic look at the end of days. It is cause and effect worldwide as God shakes the nations.  We will look at China and Uganda, as we have time, more stories.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Hope Amidst the End Days is an eye opener and it can rend the heart. Many times the very turmoil, trouble, or persecution can bring devastation. For some it means death. But in it all, it brings a rethinking of how you believe and who you are. When persecution arose, a back slidden Israel moved closer to their God. As persecution pushes and is meant to destroy Christianity worldwide, it actually brings people to the Gospel. Join us as we look at Wars and Rumors, Prophecy, End of days, and the hope which abides in the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of our God and Father.

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