Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Every Secret - Secrets of God and Men Pt3 on Sound the Shofar

June 26, 2020

Every Secret regarding God and men are here before us. Some revealed and some may not be. Yet as Psalms 90:8 says "thou has set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance." God has always moved on the path of righteousness and redemption. For the church today, it is a time of examination and repentance. In addition, renewal in the Lord and seeking His face is the goal. As the nations are shaking, people are drawn ever closer to the reality that one day, time will be no more. 

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website 

Every Secret that people may keep will be revealed. That one particular item you feared shall be revealed on that Last great day. In the day when the secrets of God and men are fully exposed. God's secrets fulfilled on that day as will be the judgment of men. Here all those deeds will be judged which you did in this body. This includes your secrets which you may have kept. We begin Part three in Secrets of God and Men this week.

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