Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Counsel- Secrets of God and Men Pt1 on Sound the Shofar

June 12, 2020

Counsel- Secrets of God and Men Part one begins in Deuteronomy. In the beginning we immediately find the secret 'things' belong to the LORD our God. In the translation the word 'things' have been added in. It reads the secret, meaning to keep something close, to conceal, to hide, and to keep it secret.  Today we know that many so called 'things' have been revealed, like our redemption. Yet we live in perilous times and know surely, for all man knows and is always learning about, the real truth concerning these things are hidden from many.  As Paul says of this generation "ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website 

Counsel- Secrets of God and Men Pt1 is a new study series that will look at the mysteries and secrets of God and men. The secret counsels, the hidden mysteries, and the unknown have drawn people from the beginning. But to just look at mysteries or seek the truths of what lay beyond our normal senses is not the answer. In the book we will find these truths laid out. It is a walk to find how the faithfulness of God moved forward to bring these things to you and I today.

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