Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Gospels Small World, Bibles for China, Evangelism, Yazidi freedom, Cost of Follo

June 10, 2020

Gospels Small World looks at Bibles for China, Evangelism, Wuhan and the gospel, Kenya persecution of Christians, Christians denied aid for their faith, the testimony of a Yazidi about the ISIS horrors, all this in our top stories. As we have time we will look at Persecution of Christians in Egypt, the capturing of Fulani in Nigeria who killed Christians, and finally the Cost of Following Jesus Christ. All from the WIBR/WARN Radio, an end of days advocacy agency for the persecuted church.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Gospels Small World has never seemed so small. Especially with today's technological advances. In the days we began, our goal was to reach around t he world to many troublesome spots using this tech. This we have done. Today as we have more opportunities, the gospel does go out. Evangelism travels forth, people listen, people respond, and they have the choice to believe or not to believe. Empowered by the Holy Spirit in this, we have seen remarkable things.

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