Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Infallible Proof - Redemptive Inheritance of the Saints Pt6 on Sound the Shofar

April 10, 2020

Infallible Proof continues the Redemptive Inheritance of the Saints in Part six. Here we are beginning with the apostles as they leave the place where Jesus Christ ascended to heaven in a cloud. They were given explicit instructions here and the outcome would be the greatest move of God we have seen. The birth of the early church to almost every corner of the Roman Empire. Not Walls nor opposition stopped them. For the Hand of the Lord was upon them as was the Holy Ghost.

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Infallible Proof - Redemptive Inheritance is the one aspect of the believers experience that is unique. For no other Savior, no other religious experience can lead you to the true and living God. The name above all names belongs to Jesus [Yeshua] Christ. It is here that the infallible proofs lay in the redemption of our Lord, his being seen by so many, and the miracles he did.  The former treatise of Luke details it, along with other gospels. Yet, the Apostles who were included in that treatise now were told to to gather and not to depart from Jerusalem. They waited on the Lord and the Holy Ghost came and baptized them all. A little bit of heaven came down upon them.

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