Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Tomorrow we Die Too -Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt40 on Battle Lines

March 19, 2020

Tomorrow we Die Too -Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt40 on Battle Lines | | WIBR/WARN

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth -Is 21:6

Tomorrow we Die Too brings you into the unalterable perfect will of the Lord. It is here that men and nations run smack dab into the foundations of truth and law that the God of all men laid out.  However, those running amuck are the Jews in Judah. Along with the House of Israel, the normal tribes; both will be judged. In this portion we find the story relating the Prophet Isaiah dealing with Shebna the governor of the palace. It is arrogance versus Gods pursuit of restoration of Judah back to himself through chastisement. But some, though; will die for their ways.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Tomorrow we Die Too finds itself in the amidst of people who rejoice in what they are doing. They rejoice in life and live for today. While giving credence to God lightly in the Temple, their blasphemy's and sin are egregious. Yet God seeks to bring them back to him. They honor him with their lips but deny him in their actions. They hearts are far from him. Judah also rejects the judgment of the Lord God. Scoffing at him, partying and carrying on; then saying tomorrow we die. Indeed, the scoffing will pay with the death of the scoffer. The tongue that wag's against the Lord and His anointed will someday be silenced by his death.

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