Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Christian Global Report, India Itinerary, Burkina Faso, Middle east, Iraq, Iran

February 19, 2020

Christian Global Report, India Itinerary, Burkina Faso, Middle east, Iraq, Iran Evin Prison, Christian Persecution, Chinas Christian problem, Pakistan kidnapping girls, Brazil for Jesus, from Warn Radio

Christian Global Report this week looks at President Trumps itinerary to India with hopes that he will bring up religious freedom to PM modi there. We also report on the biggest trouble in Africa today is the ongoing trouble in Burkino Faso. Next to this trouble we find Nigeria on the hot list of troubles. Iran and Evin Prison is in for a close look, as is China's Christian problem. Plus the Pakistani trouble of Islamic men kidnapping young girls is in the news. Brazil also focus' on Jesus with It's President declaring as much. Join Warn Radio today and listen in.

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Christian Global Report surveys the nations and finds the latest in gospel and christian news. In this we also find politics, governments, and other innocents in the cross fire of bullets and political intrigue. From one corner to the other this week we find people in danger, hope arising, and the faith of Jesus tested in many believers. Join us today!

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