Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

World Advocacy Gospel 2020 Overview and 2019 Review from WIBR/WARN Radio

December 31, 2019

World Advocacy Gospel 2020 Overview and 2019 Review from WIBR/WARN Radio |

Global 2020 Overview and 2019 Review Report looks at the top news and trends. Upfront we address the latest from ChinaAid on Wang Yi and his recent sentence. Further we look at the push by certain groups to unleach ungodly policies on others who they deem as out of bounds.

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We look at To church or not to Church. Here we look at many things concerning the church, persecuted church, and much more. We include recent church shootings, Modern culture and holiness, the Pope and the gospel, and a report from Nigeria.

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Further we look at Wars and Rumors of Wars. Here we find the Russian weapon meant to scare the opposition out of anyone Russia faces. Then we look at the Russia, China, and Iran join military maneuvers meant as a signal to the USA. We look at the International Criminal Court and the push by the Palestinians to investigate Israel. Using representatives of Hamas and other radical groups that hate Israel, the group goes to the ICC to get the tiny nation in trouble.

We also look at America the divided. In this arena we also discuss the world and threats to the USA. We discuss the control of the internet and the threats thereof. The Gun control that is no control at all. Then we look at a poor man beaten to death for a buck.