Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Advocacy Endtime Report, India, Israel, Christian leaders, Ethiopia, Bonnke

December 11, 2019

Advocacy Endtime Report, India, Israel, Christian leaders, Ethiopia, Bonnke, Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Homeless USA, Kenya, China more from Warn Radio |

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Advocacy Endtime Report - The Lord has chosen His people to be in Him. Before the foundation of the world he determined we should be holy and without blame before him in love. This is the Love of the truth spoken of by Paul. We are redeemed and predestined. Our Hope is in Jesus Christ to the glory of the Father. Yet the world hates us. Many enemies of Christ Jesus target the beloved in the faith of Jesus Christ.

Advocacy Endtime Report covers persecution in India, Ethiopia, Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, and China. In addition we remember Gospel Preacher Bonnke, we discuss Israel, and look at the illegal aspects of feeding the Homeless in the USA.  Today we also find the fruits of ministry and miracles in the hardest places to reach with the gospel. The truth, people call them either hard or impossible; but the Lord is reaching the unreachable and crossing barriers.

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